snake plant

7 Snake Plant Disadvantage Nobody Tells You About


The snake plant popularily called as sansevieria. This plant also has unique foliage and air purifying qualities. It has many advantages and disadvantages too just like other plants. So in this we will know about the various disadvantages of the snake plant.

Root Bound nature

Unlike most of the plants the roots of the snake plant comes out of the pot. The root of the plant broke the plant to get the nutritien. This is the disadvantage that you have to change the pot so that the plant gets the proper nutritien and it looks good when seen from a distance.


When the snake plant is being given more water than the roots of this plant gets destroyed and the plant gets weak. When we overwater the plant then it is not good for the plant this leads to the fall of the plant. So we should limit the amout of water given to it. The amount of water should be given according to the weather.

Pest infestation

This plant is also not prone to the pest infestation. This plant gets attacked by the fungus which leads the plant leaves to change the colour to southern blight and red leaf spot. By this the overall beauty of the plant disappear and the plant look unattractive in looking.

Limited air purifying capacity

The disadvantage of the plant is that when it converts the carbon di oxide into the oxygen it converts in very less amount as compared to the other plants which does the same process. It also converts more carbon di oxide into the oxygen in the day as compared to the night.

Low Tolerance to the cold

The snake plant has low tolerance to the cold temprature. When the snake plant is being put in the cold temprature then it got them to kill. The room temprature is the best for their growth.


Just as the name suggests the snake plant is very toxic when it is taken in the stomach. The snake plant is toxic for both of human and pet. It releases a chemical called saponin which causes gastrointestinal problems when consumed. You should keep the snake plant away from the children to avoid the problems.

Slow growth

One of the main disadvantages of a snake plant is that it grows at a slow rate when placed indoors. When this plant is placed outside then the growth of the plant is fast. It is best for the person who does not want to take care of the plant regularily.


Even when the have the disadvantages like overwaterning, toxicity, slow growth and limited air purifying capacity, etc they are minimum to take care of and when you see the leaves of the plant then you avoid all of the disadvantages. They are the popular indoor plant which has many advantages and disadvantages.

So inspite of all the disadvantages it is a good option for growing at home because it looks mesmerizing when it got the proper treatment.

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